Alfonso VI taking the Oath of Santa Gadea — In the middle of the scene, Alfonso VI (with red cape) is swearing with his right hand on the Bible that he did not take part in the murder of his brother Sancho II, while El Cid stands as a witness in front of him. Photo Credit: by Marcos Giráldez de Acosta (1864) - Public Domain,
Alfonso VI taking the Oath of Santa Gadea
In the middle of the scene, Alfonso VI (with red cape) is swearing with his right hand on the Bible that he did not take part in the murder of his brother Sancho II, while El Cid stands as a witness in front of him.
Urraca of Zamora — cropped from early 12th-century miniature Photo Credit: By Jose Luis Lamigueiro -, CC BY-SA 4.0,
Ferdinand I of León — Ferdinand (left) and his wife Sancha (right) receive a book of hours from its scribe. From an illumination in a contemporary book of hours. Photo Credit: Public Domain,
Ferdinand I of León
Ferdinand (left) and his wife Sancha (right) receive a book of hours from its scribe. From an illumination in a contemporary book of hours.
Photo Credit: By The original uploader was Alexandre Vigo at Galician Wikipedia. - Transferred from gl.wikipedia to Commons., CC BY-SA 3.0,