About Us

We offer a comprehensive set of people, books, music, paintings, and other objects from the historical record and present their connections in clear easy to understand displays. Click on items to jump to connected items or to related offsite content.

All of the cities have multiple events tied to them.
Click below for a list of all the cities, some modern, some ancient: Then click each on to see the events that happened there.

Click the button below to see all the events in our database chronologically.
But if you don't have time for that, scroll down a bit to see the event timelines.
Extensive Event Database
If you have ever tried to understand the players and sequence of events surrounding an ancient text, you're sure to appreciate the AlasNOMe
Easily build a timeline for an era, region, and tags of interest and you are quickly presented with a chronology of events. Then get a quick summary of each person, place or thing in every event with with a single click that also gives you easy access to external links.
The Team at AlasNoMe understands the frustrations for students and researchers when sorting through un-vetted web sites with no system of comparison. We have fixed that problem to greatly stream line your research.
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