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Battle of Sagrajas

Battle of Sagrajas
10/23/1086 AD defeated

The Battle of Sagrajas (23 October 1086), also called Zalaca or Zallaqa (Arabic: معركة الزلاقة, romanized: Maʿrakat az-Zallāqa), was a battle between the Almoravid army led by their King Yusuf ibn Tashfin and an army led by the Castilian King Alfonso VI. The Almoravids responded to the call of Jihad by the taifas which commonly fought amongst themselves however they had united to battle the powerful Christian states to the north.

The Taifas aided the Almoravids during the battle with troops, favoring the battle for the Muslim side:

  • Taifa of Badajoz
  • Taifa of Granada
  • Taifa of Almería
  • Taifa of Málaga
  • Taifa of Toledo
  • Taifa of Zaragoza
  • Taifa of Lisbon
  • Taifa of Albarracín
  • Taifa of Valencia

The battleground was later called az-Zallaqah (in English "slippery ground") because of the poor footing caused by the tremendous amount of bloodshed that day, which gave rise to its name in Arabic.

Lattitude: 38.8802° N
Longitude: 6.9752° W
Region: Europe
Modern Day Spain
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