Stark adopted into Abenaki tribe
04/28/1752 AD captured

While on a hunting and trapping trip along the Baker River, a tributary of the Pemigewasset River, he was captured by Abenaki warriors and brought back to Canada but not before warning his brother William to paddle away in his canoe, though David Stinson was killed. While a prisoner of the Abenaki, he and his fellow prisoner Amos Eastman were made to run a gauntlet of warriors armed with sticks.

Stark grabbed the stick from the first warrior's hands and proceeded to attack him, taking the rest of the warriors by surprise.

The chief was so impressed by this heroic act that Stark was adopted into the tribe, where he spent the winter.

The following spring a government agent sent from the Province of Massachusetts Bay to work on the exchange of prisoners paid his ransom of $103 Spanish dollars and $60 for Amos Eastman. Stark and Eastman then returned to New Hampshire safely.

Baker River, NH
Lattitude: 43.7636° N
Longitude: 71.6861° W
Region: North America
North America
Modern Day United States
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