Battle of Point Pleasant
10/10/1774 AD defeated
Known as the Battle of Kanawha in some older accounts — was the only major action of Dunmore's War
At the confluence of the Kanawha and Ohio Rivers, the bloody, day-long battle was fought. Colonel Andrew Lewis' 1,100 Virginia militiamen decisively defeated a like number of Indians lead by the Shawnee Chieftain Cornstalk.
Considered a landmark in frontier history, some believed the battle to be the first of the American Revolution. This action broke the power of the ancient Americans in the Ohio Valley and quelled a general Indian war on the frontier. Significantly, it also prevented an alliance between the British and Indians, one which could very possibly have caused the Revolution to have a different outcome, altering the entire history of the U.S. In addition, the ensuing peace with the Indians enabled western Virginians to return across the Allegheny Mountains to aid Revolutionary forces.
Lattitude: 38.8575° N
Longitude: 82.1286° W
Region: North America

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