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Great Stand on the Ugra River

Great Stand on the Ugra River
11/28/1480 AD defeated

Seven week standoff, on the banks of the Ugra River, between the forces of Akhmat Khan of the Great Horde, and the Grand Prince Ivan III of Muscovy, ends when the Tatars departed without conflict.

Ivan III had originally moved towards the Oka River, but soon returned to Moscow and demanded his son's return, fearing for his life. Ivan the Young refused to obey his father, however, who then ordered his assistant, Prince Kholmsky, to bring him back to the capital. Ivan insisted on staying on the shores of the Ugra. When the river froze up, Ivan Molodoy moved north at the request of his father and went to Borovsk, where the grand prince held a defensive position. Akhmat Khan, however, chose to withdraw and the Russian army returned to Moscow.

It is considered the end of Tatar/Mongol rule over Moscow.

Kaluga Oblast
Lattitude: 54.4333° N
Longitude: 35.4333° E
Region: Russia and Eastern Bloc
Russia and Eastern Bloc
Modern Day Russia
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