Thales of Miletus
Thales of Miletus

Thales of Miletus
624 BC - 548 BC
AKA Θαλῆς

Best known as the "Father of Western Philosophy", he actually became famous for predicting a solar eclipse.
His motto, "Know thyself," was engraved at the entrance of the Temple of Apollo in Delphi.
He also proved two important theorems in elementary geometry named for him.

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Plan of Milet in the Classical period — Large and wealthy Ionian city, it's grid layout became famous - demonstrating the ethos of the period - and served as the basis for Roman cities.
Photo Credit: By Hippodamos - Den svenska staden, Public Domain,
Plan of Milet in the Classical period Large and wealthy Ionian city, it's grid layout became famous - demonstrating the ethos of the period - and served as the basis for Roman cities.
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Thales's Theorem — If AC is a diameter, then the angle at B is a right angle.
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Thales's Theorem If AC is a diameter, then the angle at B is a right angle.
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Intercept Theorem — Also called Thales' theorem, or the Basic Proportionality Theorem, describes the ratios of line segments created when intersecting lines are intercepted by a pair of parallels.
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Intercept Theorem Also called Thales' theorem, or the Basic Proportionality Theorem, describes the ratios of line segments created when intersecting lines are intercepted by a pair of parallels.
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