Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt
Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt

Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt
1789 AD - 1848 AD

  • Wāli of Egypt, Sudan, Syria (incl. Palestine and Transjordan), Hejaz, Morea, Thasos, Crete 1848
  • Muhammad Ali dynasty

Ibrahim remains one of the most celebrated members of the Muhammad Ali dynasty, particularly for his impressive military victories, including several crushing defeats of the Ottoman Empire. Among Egyptian historians, Ibrahim, his father Muhammad Ali, and his son Ismail the Magnificent are held in far higher esteem than other rulers from the dynasty, who were largely viewed as indolent and corrupt; this is largely the result of efforts by his grandson Fuad I of Egypt to ensure the positive portrayal of his paternal ancestors in the Royal Archives that he created, which were the primary source for Egyptian history from the 1920s until the 1970s.

Today, a statue of Ibrahim occupies a prominent position in Egypt's capital, Cairo.

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