Tancred of Hauteville (Person)
Tancred of Hauteville
980 AD - 1041 AD
- 11th-century Norman petty lord about whom little is known
- minor noble near Coutances in the Cotentin
- known by the achievements of his twelve sons
- House of Hauteville
The Hauteville family was said by later traditions to descend from Hiallt, a Norseman active in 920, who is credited with founding the village of Hialtus Villa (Hauteville) in the Cotentin of Normandy.
Tancred is a supposed descendant of Hiallt, from whom the village of Hauteville and the family drew their name. This cannot be identified with certainty, and some modern scholarship favours Hauteville-la-Guichard over Hauteville in Cotentin.
- Issue
1015 AD
1031 AD