Sarah Childress Polk
Sarah Childress Polk

Sarah Childress Polk
1803 AD - 1891 AD

  • First Lady of the US as wife of James Polk 1845 – 1849
  • First Lady of Tennessee 1839 – 1841

Mrs. Polk was a religious woman who openly refused to dance, attend horse races, or theater. She took great pride in being a sociable woman but maintained a great sense of integrity.

Though she did not drink herself, she made sure to serve a decadent palate of drinks and assorted foods during promotional dinners being the queen of hospitality. She was a woman who "enjoyed wide popularity as well as deep respect".

In 1830 she risked a breach with Jackson, her husband's mentor, by taking part in the social ostracism of Peggy Eaton, during the Petticoat affair, although she continued to greet Eaton, unlike Vice President John C. Calhoun's wife, Floride Calhoun, and most of the cabinet members' wives.

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