
1851 AD
AKA Oceti Sakowin, Dakota, Lakota;

Groups of Native American tribes and First Nations peoples in North America. The modern Sioux consist of two major divisions based on language divisions: the Dakota and Lakota; collectively they are known as the Očhéthi Šakówiŋ ("Seven Council Fires"). The term "Sioux" is an exonym created from a French transcription of the Ojibwe term "Nadouessioux", and can refer to any ethnic group within the Great Sioux Nation or to any of the nation's many language dialects.

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Location of Sioux tribes in the US — Prior to 1770 (dark green) and their current reservations (orange)
Photo Credit: By Wikipedia User:Nikater - Public Domain,
Location of Sioux tribes in the US Prior to 1770 (dark green) and their current reservations (orange)
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US 1899 $5 silver certificate — Depicts Running Antelope, a Hunkpapa Lakota Chief
Photo Credit: By National Museum of American History - Public Domain,
US 1899 $5 silver certificate Depicts Running Antelope, a Hunkpapa Lakota Chief
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Chief Red Cloud and other Lakota leaders c. 1865-1880 — TheSioux would assemble each summer to hold council, renew kinships, , and participate in the Sun Dance. The seven divisions would each select four leaders for this high honor.
Photo Credit: Public Domain,
Chief Red Cloud and other Lakota leaders c. 1865-1880 TheSioux would assemble each summer to hold council, renew kinships, , and participate in the Sun Dance. The seven divisions would each select four leaders for this high honor.
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