Saint Ludmila of Bohemia (Person)
Saint Ludmila of Bohemia
860 AD - 921 AD
First Duchess of Bohemia as wife of Bořivoj I and the patron saint of Bohemia, converts, Czech Republic, duchesses, problems with in-laws, and widows.
She is venerated in both the Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches.
- Spouse
873 AD
- Issue
875 AD
Events (5)
Ludmila and Drahomíra with young Wenceslaus 19th-century painting by Josef Mathauser
Murder of Saint Ludmila By Karel Škréta
Icon of Saint Ludmila of Bohemia
Valaam Monastery, Saint Vladimir skete
By Иерей Максим МассалитинCamera location61° 23′ 20.08″ N, 30° 56′ 51.46″ EView this and other nearby images on: OpenStreetMap - Google Earth - originally posted to Flickr as Святая Людмила Чешская,