Persian Empire
Persian Empire

Persian Empire
559 BC - 651 AD

The series of dynasties based in Persia/Iran from the 6th century BC to the 20th century AD:

  • Achaemenids
  • Sasanians
  • Safavids
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Events (23) for
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Ctesiphon palace ruin — Taq Kasra or Ctesiphon palace ruin, with the arch in the centre, 1864
Photo Credit: Taq Kasra or Ctesiphon palace ruin, with the arch in the centre, 1864
Ctesiphon palace ruin Taq Kasra or Ctesiphon palace ruin, with the arch in the centre, 1864
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Persian Empire in the Achaemenid era, 6th century BC
Photo Credit: By William Robert Shepherd - Public Domain,
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