Matilda of Ringelheim
Matilda of Ringelheim

Matilda of Ringelheim
892 AD - 968 AD
AKA Saint Matilda

Due to her marriage to Henry I in 909, she became the first Ottonian queen.

Her eldest son, Otto I, restored the Holy Roman Empire in 962.

Mathilde founded several spiritual institutions and women's convents. She was considered to be extremely pious, righteous and charitable.

Mathilde’s two hagiographical biographies and The Deeds of the Saxons serve as authoritative sources about her life and work.

Venerated in the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church. Her feast day is 14 March.

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Quedlinburg castle and abbey
Photo Credit: By A.Savin (Wikimedia Commons · WikiPhotoSpace) - Own work, FAL,
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Saint Matilda — Pfarrkirche hl. Pankratius, Kirchenweg 1, Kirnberg an der Mank, Niederösterreich - Glasfenster hl. Mathilde in der südlichen Seitenkapelle
Photo Credit: By BSonne - Own work, CC BY 4.0,
Saint Matilda Pfarrkirche hl. Pankratius, Kirchenweg 1, Kirnberg an der Mank, Niederösterreich - Glasfenster hl. Mathilde in der südlichen Seitenkapelle
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