Seven Boyars elect Tsar Władysław
07/19/1610 AD elected

Władysław, aged 15, was elected Tsar by Muscovy's aristocracy council of Seven boyars, who overthrew tsar Vasily Shuysky during the Polish-Muscovite War and Muscovy's Time of Troubles.

His election was ruined by his father, Sigismund, who aimed to convert Muscovy's population from Orthodox religion to Catholicism.

Sigismund refused to agree to the boyar's request to send prince Władysław to Moscow and his conversion to Orthodoxy.

Instead, Sigismund proposed that he should reign as a regent in Muscovy instead. This unrealistic proposal led to a resumption of hostilities. In 1611 and 1612, silver and gold coins (kopeks) were stuck in the Russian mints in Moscow and Novgorod with Władysław's titulary Tsar and Grand Prince Vladislav Zigimontovych of all Russia.

Władysław tried to regain the tsar's throne himself, organizing a campaign in 1616. Despite some military victories, he was unable to capture Moscow.

Lattitude: 55.7558° N
Longitude: 37.6172° E
Region: Russia and Eastern Bloc
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