06/21/1940 AD married

While in Whittier, Pat Ryan met Richard Nixon, a young lawyer who had recently graduated from the Duke University School of Law. The two became acquainted at a Little Theater group when they were cast together in The Dark Tower

Known as Dick, he asked Pat to marry him the first night they went out. "I thought he was nuts or something!" she recalled. He courted the redhead he called his "wild Irish Gypsy" for two years, even driving her to and from her dates with other men.

They eventually married on at the Mission Inn She said that she had been attracted to the young Nixon because he "was going places, he was vital and ambitious ... he was always doing things".

Riverside, CA
Lattitude: 33.948° N
Longitude: 117.3961° W
Region: North America
North America
Modern Day United States
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