05/02/1780 AD initiated

On the 2d of May, 1780, as appears from the records of Massachusetts[ Lodge, of Boston, Bro. [sic Warren and others were "proposed for members of the Lodge." In those days it was customary to admit Entered Apprentices to membership. He must, therefore, have been initiated previously; although this is the first time his name is mentioned.

On the 6th of June he was unanimously admitted.

On the 4th of July it was proposed that he be "crafted and rais'd next Lodge night."

On the 1st of August and 5th of September he is recorded as one of the members present. On the last- named date, " Bro. Love proposed Bro. Warren to be raised a Master Mason," which was accordingly done. He was appointed one of a committee " to prepare a flooring for the Lodge" on the 3d of October, and on the 5th of December was chosen 1st Steward, with Perez Morton as Master.

From masonicgenealogy.com

Boston, MA
Lattitude: 42.3601° N
Longitude: 71.0589° W
Region: North America
North America
Modern Day United States
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