Grand Master of Masons for the Continent of America
03/07/1772 AD appointed

In December 1769 Warren received a commission from the Earl of Dalhousie, Grand Master of Masons in Scotland, appointing him Provincial Grand Master of Masons in Boston and within 100 miles of the same. The commission was dated May 30, 1769.

When the Earl of Dumfries succeeded Dalhousie as Grand Master of Scotland he issued another appointment to Warren, dated March 7, 1772, constituting Warren "Grand Master of Masons for the Continent of America," thus extending his original limits.

He was untiring in the discharge of his Masonic duties and, coupled with the labors of his extensive medical practice, the care of his motherless children, together with his patriotic devotion to his country, won for him the highest regard of the public and the craft. His name is indelibly engraved on the mystic temple of Freemasonry, just as it is on the pages of American history.

From George D. Pushee III, Joseph Warren, Martyr of Buunker Hill

Boston, MA
Lattitude: 42.3601° N
Longitude: 71.0589° W
Region: North America
North America
Modern Day United States
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