King George II, 1727 – 1760
06/22/1727 AD inherited

George exercised little control over British domestic policy, which was largely controlled by the Parliament of Great Britain.

As elector he spent twelve summers in Hanover, where he had more direct control over government policy. He had a difficult relationship with his eldest son, Frederick, who supported the parliamentary opposition. During the War of the Austrian Succession, George participated at the Battle of Dettingen in 1743, and thus became the most recent British monarch to lead an army in battle. In 1745 supporters of the Catholic claimant to the British throne, James Francis Edward Stuart ("The Old Pretender"), led by James's son Charles Edward Stuart ("The Young Pretender" or "Bonnie Prince Charlie"), attempted and failed to depose George in the last of the Jacobite rebellions.

Lattitude: 51.5073° N
Longitude: 0.1278° W
Region: Europe
Modern Day United Kingdom
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