1620 AD hired

His father's attorney, who recognized Lilly's level of education, recommended him to Gilbert Wright, Master of the Salters' Company and resident of the Strand in London (but formerly of Market Bosworth, Leicestershire).

Wright was looking for a literate youth to act as his secretary and general servant, and at that time Lilly's father (then in prison for debt) was very happy to be rid of him, considering that since his son was no good around the farm, he was "good for nothing".

With his letter of recommendation and just a few shillings, eighteen-year-old Lilly walked to London alongside a carrier's cart, later recounting "it was a very stormy week, cold and uncomfortable: I footed it all along"

Seven years later he secured his fortune by marrying his former master's widow, allowing him the leisure to study astrology.

Lattitude: 51.5073° N
Longitude: 0.1278° W
Region: Europe
Modern Day United Kingdom
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