03/18/1901 AD born

Hall was born in 1901 in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, to Louise Palmer Hall, a chiropractor and member of the Rosicrucian Fellowship, and William S. Hall, a dentist. Hall is said to have never known his father.

Hall was born in Peterborough, Ontario, in 1901 to parents who would shortly divorce, leaving the young Manly in the care of a grandmother who raised him in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. He had little formal schooling. But there was a spark of some indefinable brilliance in the young man, which his grandmother tried to nurture in trips to museums in Chicago and New York. → New Dawn - Mitch Horowitz, Secret Teachings Reborn: The Mysterious Life of Manly P. Hall

Peterborough, Ontario
Lattitude: 44.3011° N
Longitude: 78.3333° W
Region: North America
North America
Modern Day Canada
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