06/08/1955 AD born

Timothy John Berners-Lee was born to mathematicians and computer scientists Mary Lee Woods (1924–2017) and Conway Berners-Lee (1921–2019).

His parents were both from Birmingham and worked on the Ferranti Mark 1, the first commercially-built computer.

His paternal grandmother was a Canadian woman from Winnipeg.

He has three younger siblings; his brother, Mike, is a professor of ecology and climate change management. Berners-Lee attended Sheen Mount Primary School, then attended the Emanuel School (a direct grant grammar school at the time) from 1969 to 1973.

A keen trainspotter as a child, he learnt about electronics from tinkering with a model railway.

Lattitude: 51.5073° N
Longitude: 0.1278° W
Region: Europe
Modern Day United Kingdom
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