Lorraine Lorraine appointed 2020-11-17
Louis the Child Louis the Child appointed 2020-11-17
Gebhard, Duke of Lorraine Gebhard, Duke of Lorraine born 2020-11-17
Udo of Neustria Udo of Neustria
Odo, Udo II, coun...
Udo was a ninth-century nobleman of East Francia, ... 2020-11-17
Udo of Neustria Udo of Neustria married 2020-11-17
Judith d'Auxerre Judith d'Auxerre born 2020-11-17
Wigeric of Lotharingia Wigeric of Lotharingia
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Ermentrude de France Ermentrude de France born 2020-11-17
Rachel Donelson Jackson, wife of U.S. President Andrew Jackson Rachel Donelson Jackson, wife of U.S. President Andrew Jackson 2020-11-17
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Martha Wayles Skelton Jefferson Martha Wayles Skelton Jefferson A 1965 oil portrait by artist George Geygan, based... 2020-11-17
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Ethereum Ethereum Ethereum Co-fouunders Meeting 2020-11-17
Jeffrey Wilcke Jeffrey Wilcke HKU (Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht) 2020-11-17
Jeffrey Wilcke Jeffrey Wilcke Grid Games 2020-11-17