Otto, Duke of Lower Lorraine Otto, Duke of Lower Lorraine Duke of Lower Lorraine in Germany 993 - 1012
Gaugericus Gaugericus
Saint Gaugericus,...
A bishop of Cambrai, France, who is the namesake o...
Hugh Magnus Hugh Magnus
Hugues le Grand
Co-King of France under his father, Robert II, 101...
Otto I, Duke of Carinthia Otto I, Duke of Carinthia
of Worms,
Duke of Carinthia 978 - 985 and 1002 - 1004 ...
Henry III, Duke of Bavaria Henry III, Duke of Bavaria
the Younger, Henr...
The Times The Times
The London Times
British daily national newspaper based in London ...
John Walter John Walter English publisher and founder of The Times ...
Florence Nightingale Florence Nightingale
The Lady with the...
English social reformer, statistician and the foun...
Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Academic faculty within King's College London. The...
University of Aberdeen University of Aberdeen Public research university in Aberdeen, Scotland c...
James II of Scotland James II of Scotland King of Scotland 1437 – 1460
James III of Scotland James III of Scotland King of Scotland 1460 – 1488
James IV of Scotland James IV of Scotland King of Scotland 1488 – 1513
Edward IV of England Edward IV of England King of England 1461 – 1470 and 1471 – 1483
Edward V of England Edward V of England King of England 1483
Richard III of England Richard III of England King of England 1483 – 1485