Timaeus (Book) AKA Τίμαιος
360 BC
AKA Τίμαιος
Socrates wants to hear about how his ideal state will interact with other states. Critias begins to tell the story of how Athens used to be an ideal state but waged war on Atlantis. Critias then defers to Timaeus to tell the part of the story from the origin of the universe to man.
Timaeus goes on to explain much of Plato's cosmology and religious views
Timaeus defines the so-called Platonic solids, associating the four classical elements, and a fifth element which made up the heavens:
- cube → earth
- octahedron → air
- icosahedron → water
- tetrahedron → fire
- dodecahedron → heavens
Socrates locates the parts of the soul within the human body:
- Reason → head
- spirit → top third of the torso
- appetite → middle third of the torso, down to the navel