Platonic Academy (Building) AKA Plato's Academy, Ἀκαδημία
Platonic Academy
385 BC - 532 AD
AKA Plato's Academy, Ἀκαδημία
School founded by Plato which persisted as as a skeptical school, until it was destroyed by the Roman dictator Sulla in 86 BC.
Plato wished to develop future leaders and discover how to build a better government in the Greek city-states. The curriculum included astronomy, biology, mathematics, political theory and philosophy.
It was located outside the city walls of ancient Athens. in or beside a grove of olive trees sacred to the goddess Athena.
Events (9)
Plato's Academy 1835 Reconstruction of Plato's Academy, with the Acropolis in the background, from Hellenic Library - Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation
Map of Ancient Athens The Academy is north of Athens, outside the city walls.
Plato in his academy drawing after a painting by Swedish painter Carl Johan Wahlbom