Treachery of Rueda
01/06/1083 AD died
He was a member of an army under the command of his brother Ramiro and count Gonzalo Salvadórez tasked by Alfonso VI with accepting the capitulation of the rebel Muslim castle of Rueda. In what became known as the 'disaster' or 'treachery of Rueda', the Castilian troops entered the surrendered fortress on 6 January 1083 only to be set upon by the garrison, who pelted them with stones, killing Sancho, Ramiro, count Gonzalo and many other nobles.
Rueda De Jalón
Lattitude: 41.6333° N
Longitude: 1.2833° W
Region: North America
Modern Day United States
Lattitude: 41.6333° N
Longitude: 1.2833° W
Region: North America
Modern Day United States
Subjects Who or What died?
Sancho Garcés, Lord of Uncastillo An illegitimate son of K...