Wurdi Youang Wurdi Youang A survey of the arrangement showing the solar alig... 2023-09-26
A small part of the Wurdi Youang stone arrangement A small part of the Wurdi Youang stone arrangement 2023-09-26
England England RIchard I, King of England 2023-09-26
Alfonso the Battler Alfonso the Battler married 2023-09-26
The castle in Monzón The castle in Monzón 2023-09-25
Urraca of León and Castile Urraca of León and Castile
the reckless, la ...
* Queen of León and Castile 1109 – 1126 * Qu... 2023-09-25
Urraca of León and Castile Urraca of León and Castile Queen Urraca, 1109 – 1126 2023-09-25
Urraca's realm Urraca's realm 2023-09-25
Raymond of Burgundy Raymond of Burgundy from a miniature of the Tumbo A cartulary in the c... 2023-09-25
Pope Alexander II Pope Alexander II 2023-09-25
Baldwin V, Count of Flanders Baldwin V, Count of Flanders married 2023-09-25
Baldwin V of Flanders and his wife Adela of France Baldwin V of Flanders and his wife Adela of France 2023-09-25
Adela of France Adela of France * Duchess of Normandy 1027 * Countess of Flan... 2023-09-25
Adela of France Adela of France 2023-09-25
Pope Alexander III Pope Alexander III Manifestis Probatum - Pope acknowledges Afo... 2023-09-25
<i>Manifestis Probatum</i> Manifestis Probatum 2023-09-25